What is Nehemiah Prayer?

During the period of Babylonian exile, Nehemiah came to know that the wall of Jerusalem was brought down to ground, by the enemies, and its gates destroyed by fire!

He was crestfallen when he came to know about the adversities of his people in Jerusalem. He took a pause from his daily life, sat down, wept 8c mourned for days, fasting and praying before the God of heaven. Even though he was prosperous and complacent in life, his heart was moved for his own nation.

Likewise, in this present time, The Holy Catholic Church is undergoing immense amount of trails and struggles. In order to resist the attack of evil and strengthen our Church, let’s unite our hearts in one spirit and pray for the church as Nehemiah prayed for Jerusalem.

Who can join this prayer?

All people of God
All members of the Church
All religious communities, convents, monasteries around the world together as one army of God, united in prayer.

How can you join this prayer mission for the church?

10 Ways: Weapons of Nehemiah Prayer

1. Holy Mass: For the Holy Catholic Church, all Priests, Nuns and religious.
2. Adoration before Blessed Sacrament.
3. Liturgy of Hours.
4. Rosary.
5. Stations of the Cross.
6. Consecration to Immaculate Heart.
7. St. Joseph Prayer.
8. St. Michael's Prayer.
9. Pray for the conversion of sinners, pray for all who have either lost faith or gone away from church. (Divine Mercy, Jericho prayer)
10. Penance, Fasting, Abstinence, Almsgiving.