Father, you bless us with the gift of life.
Father, we give you thanks.

You give us your Son as our Saviour.
Father, we give you thanks.

You teach us his word of life.
Father, we give you thanks.

You make us your holy people.
Father, we give you thanks.

You cleanse us from our sins through the blood of your son.
Father, we give you thanks.

You give us Mary as our mother and our model.
Father, we give you thanks.

You invite us to love you by loving others.
Father, we give you thanks.

You give us talents and gifts to use for your glory.
Father, we give you thanks.

You help us to do good works for you.
Father, we give you thanks.

You gave us family and friends to love and to be loved
Father, we give you thanks.

You nourish us with the bread of life.
Father, we give you thanks.

You give us the cup of salvation.
Father, we give you thanks.

You have given us your Spirit.
Father, we give you thanks.

You promise us the joys of heaven.
Father, we give you thanks.

You call us to sing your praises forever.
Father, we give you thanks.

Beloved God,
you have given us all grace and life
through the hands of Christ our Saviour.
With Jesus, we bless Your Name.
With Him we thank You.
With Christ our Lord, we pray to You:

Our Father, in Heaven,
Hallowed be Your Name,
Your Kingdom come,
Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven,
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial,
and deliver us from evil.